CIS Summer Study Grant Awardees

The CIS Summer Study Fellowship competition is open to advanced doctoral students in international affairs, regardless of home department. If you have any questions as to whether your project would qualify as "international affairs," feel free to consult with CIS via email at least one month before the deadline.

2024 CIS Summer Study Grant Awardees

Natasha Ansari, DUSP, “Planning for the Margins: Voice, Profound Disability and Contestation in Slovo Park, Johannesburg”
Natasha Ansari was awarded the fifth annual Guillemin Prize
Nicholas Blanchette, Political Science, “Strategies of Capability Revelation: Explaining Variation in How States Reveal Novel Military Technologies”
Diego Alonso Cerna Aragon, STS, “Dreams of a second OPEC: A historic sociological account of the rise and fall of the Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries (1967-1992)”
Chen Chu, DUSP, “Social Policy through Environing: The European Green Deal and Land Use Changes”
Jerome Patrick Cruz, Political Science, “World Wide Webs: How Diasporas and Adaptive Networks Forged the Knowledge Economy in the Global South”
Alejandro Frydman, Political Science, "Exploring Latinidad: Identity politicization and national origin diversity"
Mariel García-Montes, STS, "Birds on the Wire: The Sociotechnical Dimensions of Mexico's Surveillance Culture"
Olivia Houck, Architecture, “Becoming Concrete: NATO as a Territory Project, 1940-1960”
Olivia Houck was awarded the fifth annual Guillemin Prize
Jared Kalow, Political Science, “Roving Clients, Stationary Patrons: The Political Behavior of Commuters in Developing Democracies”
Casper Keysers, Political Science, “The Decoupling Myth: Redirection of China-U.S. Trade Through Vietnam”
Rustam Khan, STS, “Dancing after Decolonization: Race, Class, and Technology in Belgian Hip Hop Culture, 1960-2020”
Samuel Leiter, Political Science, "Buy or Build? How States Source Military Might"
Sukrit Puri, Political Science, "Politics of the family firm: Evidence from India"